Ohio State News

The latest news for the Ohio State Chapter and Alumni Association of FarmHouse Fraternity

Alumni News

The Alumni Association of the Ohio State FarmHouse/Alpha Tau Zeta Chapter held its annual business meeting on Saturday, April 10, 2021, followed by a presentation by Mark Sanborn, distinguished chapter alumnus and internationally recognized public speaker and leadership expert.

In 1950, the Master Builder of Men Award was created by the National Executive Board as the highest honor that FarmHouse Fraternity can bestow upon one of its alumni members. Neither position, wealth, nor occupation enter into the consideration for the award but simply what he has done to help others. One of this year’s recipients of the Master Builder of Men Award is an alum of the Ohio State Chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity, Dr. Larry Hageman.

Over the past couple of months several individuals have been evaluating the best way to provide timely and relevant information to The Ohio State University FarmHouse Alumni Network. In order to further enhance our alumni communications moving forward, we want to hear from you! Click the link below to fill out the short survey and help inform furture topics and articles.


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