OSU & FarmHouse Foundation Funds

    Townshend ATZ Endowment Fund - OSU Foundation #607269 [Click Here to Give]

    The Townshend AZ Endowment Fund was established on March 4, 1994, by the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University with gifts from alumni, friends, and current members of the Townshend Chapter of Alpha Zeta Fraternity, and in memory of Mark Sommers, by his friends and family. The description was revised and the name was changed to The Townshend ATZ Endowment Fund, on March 5, 1999. The description was revised again on May 7, 1999, and was further revised May 4, 2007.

    The annual distribution shall be used for scholarships or other appropriate educational, professional, and personal enrichment experiences for students enrolled at The Ohio State University who are active members or engaged in the new member education program of Alpha Tau Zeta Fraternity, Townshend Chapter, and have a minimum 2.85 cumulative grade point average. Scholarship recipients will be selected by the vice president for Agricultural Administration and University Outreach, and executive dean for Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences or his/her designee in consultation with The Ohio State University Office of Student Financial Aid and the president of the ATZ Townshend Alumni Association Board of Trustees.
    Donald E. and Martha L. Fogg Alpha Tau Zeta Scholarship Fund - OSU Foundation #642245 [Click Here to Give]

    The Donald E. and Martha L. Fogg Alpha Tau Zeta Scholarship Fund was established February 7, 2003, in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Foundation, with gifts from Donald E. Fogg (B.S.Agr., 1949) and Martha L. Fogg (B.S.H.E., 1949).

    The annual income shall be used for scholarship(s) for sophomore, junior, or senior students enrolled in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences who are members of the Alpha Tau Zeta Fraternity. The student(s) must hold at least a 3.0 grade point average. Any recipient(s) must be living in the Alpha Tau Zeta fraternity house at the time of receipt of the scholarship and, in addition, must have been living there the past two quarters or semesters (if ap plicable) while enrolled in The Ohio State University. Selection of the recipient(s) will be made by the assistant dean of Student Affairs in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and the scholarship selection committee in conjunction with the University Committee on Student Financial Aid.
    Foltz Family Fund - OSU Foundation #662269 [Click Here to Give]

    The Foltz Family Fund was established February 6, 2009, by the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Foundation, with gifts from John Charles Foltz (B.S. 1955, M.S. 1971) and Anne Clark Foltz (B.S.H.E. 1955, M.S. 1979) of Columbus, Ohio.
    The annual distribution (minimum $1,000) from this endowed fund shall be used to support the following areas in a three-year rotation:

    1. A scholarship to be awarded to an undergraduate student who is a member of the Alpha Tau Zeta chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity. Qualified applicants will have demonstrated academic achievement and leadership in student activities at the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and/or the University.

    2. Support for the restoration, refurbishment, and/or maintenance of Cooke Castle on Gibraltar Island in Lake Erie. Such use shall be at the discretion of the director of Stone Laboratory.

    3. A scholarship to be awarded to a freshman with declared intention to study agriculture or natural resources. Qualified applicants will have demonstrated accomplishments in 4-H and/or FFA activities with emphasis on leadership and community service. Preference shall be given to youths from Gallia and Fairfield counties in Ohio.

    In any given year that the endowment distribution is less than $1,000, the funds are to be reinvested in the endowment principal.

    Scholarship recipients shall be selected by the vice president for agricultural administration and executive dean for Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences or his designee in consultation with the Office of Student Financial Aid.

    In any given year that the endowment distribution is not fully used for its intended purposes, the unused portion should be held in the distribution account to be used in subsequent years and only for the purposes of the endowment, or reinvested in the endowment principal at the discretion of the vice president for agricultural administration and executive dean for Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
    Ralph E. 'Dutch' Schramm Scholarship Fund in Animal Sciences - OSU Foundation #646403 [Click Here to Give]

    The Ralph E. “Dutch” Schramm Scholarship Fund in Animal Sciences was established February 2, 2001, in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Foundation, with gifts from Ralph E. “Dutch” Schramm (B.S. Agr. – Major: Animal Husbandry, 1939).

    The annual income shall be used to support three scholarships for junior and senior students enrolled in animal sciences. The students shall exhibit leadership skills, participation in organizations and community service, and have a 2.5 or higher GPA.

    1. The first scholarship shall support an Alpha Tau Zeta student(s) majoring in animal sciences with a preference for beef cattle.

    2. The second scholarship shall support (1) an animal sciences student(s) with a focus in beef cattle or sheep enrolled in a study abroad program and/or (2) an animal sciences student(s) enrolled in an international internship in a beef related industry, with a preference for those working in Australia.

    3. The third scholarship shall support an animal sciences student(s) who has competed in the Little International Livestock Show (or its successor) in the beef division.
    Should two students equally qualify for the Ralph E. “Dutch” Schramm Scholarships, preference will be given to the student with the greatest financial need. Any unused income shall be carried forward to afford the possibility of awarding additional scholarships in subsequent years.

    The use of the annual income shall be directed by the chairperson of the Department of Animal Sciences or their designee(s) in consultation with the Office of Student Financial Aid.
     Alpha Tau Zeta / Ohio State Council Fund - FarmHouse Foundation Local Foundation Council Fund [Click Here to Give]
    Alpha Tau Zeta / Ohio State Building Fund - FarmHouse Foundation Local Building Fund [Click Here to Give]
    The Beverly Mae Baish Hageman Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund - FarmHouse Foundation Endowed Fund [Click Here to Give]

    The Purpose of the Fund: shall be to provide annual academic scholarships to student members majoring in crop sciences, horticulture, soil sciences, plant pathology or entomology of The Ohio State University Chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity.

    The principal of the Fund shall be held as an endowment and the net income therefrom shall be held and di sposed of upon the terms and conditions prescribed herein:

    The annual net income from the Fund shall be used at the discretion and direction of the Foundation Trustees, with the advice and counsel of The Ohio State University FarmHouse Chapter and Association, to provide one or more scholarships annually to student members of The Ohio State University Chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity. Recipients, selected solely at the direction of the Foundation's Board of Trustees or a committee appointed by the Foundation Board of Trustees, shall be initiated members of FarmHouse Fraternity, enrolled at The Ohio State University majoring in crop sciences, horticulture, soil sciences, plant pathology or entomology carrying a schedule typical for their classification. Recipients shall live in the chapter house if space is available, shall have a grade point average of a 2.5 or better, and shall maintain satisfactory behavior. If there is no candidate enrolled in these majors who qualifies, the scholarship can be awarded to a student member majoring in agriculture. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic achievement, exemplary integrity, ethics, initiative and industry conducive to ongoing leadership, career potential and service to others. In the event two or more of the scholarship candidates are considered to be of equal merit, preference shall be given to the candidate demonstrating the most need.
    Delbert H. Hageman Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund - FarmHouse Foundation Endowed Fund [Click Here to Give]

    The Purpose of the Fund: shall be to provide annual academic scholarships to student members majoring in crop sciences, horticulture, soil sciences, plant pathology or entomology of The Ohio State University Chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity.

    The principal of the Fund shall be held as an endowment and the net income therefrom shall be held and disposed of upon the terms and conditions prescribed herein:

    The annual net income from the Fund shall be used at the discretion and direction of the Foundation Trustees, with the advice and counsel of The Ohio State University FarmHouse Chapter and Association, to provide one or more scholarships annually to student members of The Ohio State University Chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity. Recipients, selected solely at the direction of the Foundation's Board of Trustees or a committee appointed by the Foundation Board of Trustees, shall be initiated members of FarmHouse Fraternity, enrolled at The Ohio State University majoring in crop sciences, horticulture, soil sciences, plant pathology or entomology carrying a schedule typical for their classification. Recipients shall live in the chapter house if space is available, shall have a grade point average of a 2.5 or better, and shall maintain satisfactory behavior. If there is no candidate enrolled in these majors who qualifies, the scholarship can be awarded to a student member majoring in agriculture. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic achievement, exemplary integrity, ethics, initiative and industry conducive to ongoing leadership, career potential and service to others. In the event two or more of the scholarship candidates are considered to be of equal merit, preference shall be given to the candidate demonstrating the most need.
    Dorothy Hageman Staffeldt Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund - FarmHouse Foundation Endowed Fund [Click Here to Give]

    The Purpose of the Fund: shall be to provide annual academic scholarships to student members majoring in crop sciences, soil sciences, plant pathology or entomology of The Ohio State University Chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity.

    The principal of the Fund shall be held as an endowment and the net income therefrom shall be held and disposed of upon the terms and conditions prescribed herein:

    The annual net income from the Fund shall be used at the discretion and direction of the Foundation Trustees, with the advice and counsel of The Ohio State University FarmHouse Chapter and Association, to provide one or more scholarships annually to student members of The Ohio State University Chapter of FarmHolise Fraternity. Recipients, selected solely at the direction of the Foundation's Board of Trustees or a committee appointed by the Foundation Board of Trustees, shall be initiated members of FarmHouse Fraternity, enrolled at The Ohio State University majoring in crop sciences, soil sciences, plant pathology or entomology carrying a schedule typical for their classification . Recipients sha ll live in the chapter house ifspace is available, shall have a grade point average of a 2.5 or beller, and shall maintain satisfactory behavior. If there is no candidate enrolled in these majors who qualifies, the scholarship can be awarded to a student member majoring in agriculture. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic achievement, exemplary integrity, ethics, initiative and industry conducive to ongoing leadership, career potential and service to others. In the event two or more of the scholarship candidates are considered to be of equal merit, preference shall be given to the candidate demonstrating the most need.
    Robert J. and Joan L. McCoy Scholarship Endowment Fund - FarmHouse Foundation Endowed Fund [Click Here to Give]

    In honor of the late Robert “Bob” McCoy’s membership andhe and his wife Joan’s long-time involvement in the Ohio State Chapter, the purpose of the Fund shall be to provide annual academic scholarships to student members of The Ohio State University Chapter of FarmHouse International Fraternity who exemplify the FarmHouse Object and are considered to be Builders of Men.

    The principal of the Fund shall be held as an endowment and the net income therefrom shall be held and disposed of upon the terms and conditions prescribed herein:

    The annual net income from the Fund shall be used at the discretion and direction of the Foundation Trustees, with the advice and counsel of the Ohio State FarmHouse Association and Foundation Council, to provide scholarship(s) annually to student leaders of The Ohio State University Chapter of FarmHouse International Fraternity who exemplify the FarmHouse Object and are considered to be Builders of Men. Selection and announcement of the scholarship recipient will be made during the spring semester. Recipients must be initiated and involved members of FarmHouse Fraternity, enrolled at The Ohio State University, live in the chapter house if space is available, and maintain satisfactory behavior. Recipients must carry a schedule typical for their classification and have a cumulative grade point average above or equal to a 3.0 GPA. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic achievement, exemplary integrity, ethics, initiative and industry conducive to ongoing leadership, career potential and service to others. In the event two or more of the scholarship candidates are considered to be of equal merit, preference shall be given to the candidate(s) demonstrating the most financial need. The scholarships may be renewable, but must be re-applied for each year, and not normally renewable for more than three successive years.

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